Another Year Passes

It's a New Year 

When I was a child, I didn't give the new year a whole lot of thought.  The years came and went, I got a year older and that was that. I get excited about the New Year now.  I look at it like a time to reset, plan for the year and set intentions.  I get out journals and last year's intentions to see how I did at meeting the goals I had set for myself.  That helps me refocus and see where I may need to give a little more attention. I never beat myself up for not meeting every single goal I set for myself. That isn't productive and isn't motivating to me. I realize everyone is different when it comes to what motivates you. 

I actually did really well with sticking to my goals last year.  The only area I seemed to fall short was with self-care.  This wasn't surprising to me at all!  I've had a lifetime of putting others first.  I always felt selfish if I put myself first.  I am STILL trying to break that mindset.  It's not easy for me.  To be fair, self-care looks different for everyone.  I look at going out hiking alone as self-care.  I love those times so much.  Being out in nature is extremely nurturing to me.  That certainly isn't someone else's idea of self-care. Here's the thing, we are all beautiful, unique, complex beings!  We are on our own journeys and no two are the same.   

I want this year to bring more balance to my life.  I want to learn to nourish my body and spirit.  I want to focus a little more on me!  I need to feed my soul, spirit and be true to myself.  It will make me a better spouse, daughter, mother, Nana, sister, friend and all-around person. My intention is to get more sleep, manage stress better, keep nutrition a priority and go back to my yoga practice (and throw some weights in there too). I also want to add in some new experiences and adventures.  I was great at that until a couple years ago (Covid).  I'm ready to get back to that.

I hope you all take time this year to find what sets your soul on fire.  I hope you live with more intention, self-love and work toward whatever your goals are whether big or small. I would love to hear your intentions for the year! I'm rooting for you!

In love and light,


                                        I find such peace near water and just outdoors in general.


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