Why does every new year begin with us talking about how challenging this year has been and next year will be different. We put so much pressure on ourselves to be better and different in the new year. If that works for you, great! To me, the end of the year should be filled with reflection about the current year. Reflect on what went well, what didn’t, and the lessons learned. We made it through another year! Our failures are just lessons learned. I say instead of resolutions, we start the new year with some honest reflection. What do I need/want in the next year. Bring what was good from this year with you and leave what wasn’t behind.
Let’s be kinder to ourselves! Let’s sleep and rest more (when feasible). Let’s slow down a little and really take life in and be more present and grateful. I write three things down each day I’m grateful for. I’m going to continue that! They aren’t these grand gestures. They are typical everyday things that I’ve worked hard to notice and take a moment to appreciate. Let’s accept our flaws and truly love who we are on the inside and outside! Yes, wrinkles and rolls too!! It took me 55 years to accumulate these laugh lines and frown/worry lines. They are a reminder of all the happy and sad I’ve been through in my life. Some known and lots unknown to anyone but me. I look at my face and see parts of my ancestors in there.
In being honest and accepting we are imperfect human beings, just maybe we will find peace this year. If you took the time to read my rambling thoughts to myself, thank you. I hope in 2024 we all take time to care for ourselves inside and out and I pray we all find peace. Whatever peace looks like for you.
In love and light,
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