I have to say these are interesting times we are living in right now. Our lives have been disrupted due to the Covid-19 virus happening in the World. We are getting mixed messages daily from the President Of The United States that aren't helping ease our fears. If anything it makes it so much worse. What should we do to get through this time? I will share what is working with me in hopes it will help you as well.
I'm limiting my news consumption each day. I watch the Governor of Ohio (my state), Mike DeWine each day. That keeps me up to date and informed. It allows me to have a realistic idea of what is happening in my state. I am fortunate that our Governor is a calm, thoughtful man who bases decisions on facts and actually science.
I'm also making sure I get exercise. I know many are working from home and are struggling. Take your lunch hour to do something just for you. Even exercising a half hour three times a week will make a difference in your mood. You can take a walk, dance around your house(your kids will like this too) or do yoga. Just find something to take your mind off the negative things we are inundated with every day. Don't forget to take care of you!
I'm also recording 5 things I'm grateful for each day. Putting pen to paper seems to help me realize I have a lot that's going right in my life. It's also great to look back and read when you are having a hard day. Take time to notice the little things around you. I love seeing the spring flowers come to life again! It makes my heart happy even though it's something some people don't even notice. Take this time to really tune into your surroundings.
Get enough sleep! This is a very hard one for me. I don't seem to be able to sleep more that 4 or 5 hours a night. But I do know sleep makes a huge impact on your life. Studies show sleep is important for your mood, brain function and cognitive performance. I'm willing to take any tips you have on this one!
If you like reading now is a great time to start a new book! If you love learning take a class online. I'm taking a class at Yale University called Science of Well-being. I have really enjoyed it so far and I'm learning so much!
I am open to hear what is working to help you get through this strange time in our lives. We are in this together and we will get through this! I believe we will all make some positive changes as a result of this pandemic. I know I will!
In love and light,
I'm limiting my news consumption each day. I watch the Governor of Ohio (my state), Mike DeWine each day. That keeps me up to date and informed. It allows me to have a realistic idea of what is happening in my state. I am fortunate that our Governor is a calm, thoughtful man who bases decisions on facts and actually science.
I'm also making sure I get exercise. I know many are working from home and are struggling. Take your lunch hour to do something just for you. Even exercising a half hour three times a week will make a difference in your mood. You can take a walk, dance around your house(your kids will like this too) or do yoga. Just find something to take your mind off the negative things we are inundated with every day. Don't forget to take care of you!
I'm also recording 5 things I'm grateful for each day. Putting pen to paper seems to help me realize I have a lot that's going right in my life. It's also great to look back and read when you are having a hard day. Take time to notice the little things around you. I love seeing the spring flowers come to life again! It makes my heart happy even though it's something some people don't even notice. Take this time to really tune into your surroundings.
Get enough sleep! This is a very hard one for me. I don't seem to be able to sleep more that 4 or 5 hours a night. But I do know sleep makes a huge impact on your life. Studies show sleep is important for your mood, brain function and cognitive performance. I'm willing to take any tips you have on this one!
If you like reading now is a great time to start a new book! If you love learning take a class online. I'm taking a class at Yale University called Science of Well-being. I have really enjoyed it so far and I'm learning so much!
I am open to hear what is working to help you get through this strange time in our lives. We are in this together and we will get through this! I believe we will all make some positive changes as a result of this pandemic. I know I will!
In love and light,
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