What does age have to do with it?

I turned 50 in January and aside from some medical issues it's been a good year!  Life is so precious.   I think about what a privilege it is to make it to 50 years old. Cancer could have taken my life and I'm so grateful it didn't.  I feel I owe it to myself to make the most of everyday! I know one phone call can change everything! I truly believe the best years of my life haven't happened yet.

Have you really thought about what your age means to you? Do you let your age define you instead of  just doing what you want to do?  Are you missing out on living and trying new things because  you think you "shouldn't be doing that at your age".  You know you get to decide what makes you feel ageless right?  You decide how to express yourself.  You decide how to show up in the world and you decide what makes you happy.  Those things have nothing to do with age!  We have so much control over our lives if we choose to take it.  I simply live my life, try new things, take on new adventures and forget my age! 

Waking up this morning, I smile.  Twenty-four brand new hours are before me.  I vow to live fully in each moment and to look at all beings with eyes of compassion - Thich Nhat Hahn  

What would a purpose filled life look like to you?  It's different for everyone because we all have different priorities and different things that set our hearts on fire! Our job is to figure out what that looks like for ourselves and make more time for it. If you aren't where you hoped to be at "this age" what are you going to do to change it?  You are worth taking the time to figure it out.  When you are truly living with passion and happiness in your life those around you will benefit from it too.  

I love photography, driving to experience new places and hiking. This picture is Holden Beach from this summer.  It was a beautiful place that I enjoyed to the fullest!  That is the short list of what sets my heart and soul on fire!  What's your list?

In light and love,


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