That's Life...

We have had lots of changes in our little family in the past few months. We have all three of our kids living at home and along with them all their pets. It's great having all the kids together.  They all get along so good and I love that.  We all have such different work and college schedules that we are rarely all together though.  However; the pets have taken some getting used to.  I always thought of myself as a animal lover. But, having two dogs and four cats has made me second guess that.  It's been a lot to handle. They all have different personalities and most are destructive.  I can't begin to add up the money these pets have cost us with the things they destroy.  I have just decided to embrace it.  That which you fight only gets stronger, right?  When I see the happiness that these pets bring to our kids, I guess it becomes worth it.  After all chairs are just chairs and plants are just plants and shredded carpet can be get the point.  Things are just objects and I don't place importance in them.  Our kids happiness mean more to me than any house or thing ever could. Meditation and Yoga helps deal with all the crazy pets too!

I should also mention that our kids have all went through changes the last few months too.  All three kids are single.  They were all in long term relationships and within a couple months of each other have all broke up.  Life is like that, you blink and it changes.  Change is good!  That's what I keep telling them anyway.  When one door closes it allows another to open.  Maybe they all need to focus on college right now or maybe they all need to be selfish before they settle down and have families.  I just want them to focus on today and take one day at a time.  Everything happens for a reason even if we may not understand it at the time. 

I have always learned through suffering.  I hope they do to.  Suffering and happiness just go along together.  They have to go through suffering to grow, to move forward and find true happiness. Our minds are very powerful.  I'm trying to stay positive and embrace all these changes.  I wish for only good things to come to the children's ex's.  They too are trying to find their way and they feel this is the right way for them to move forward.  They get no judgement from me.  It's not my job to judge what is right or wrong for others.  I love our kids unconditionally and I'm here through the happy times and the rough times. I want them to live happily in the present moment. I want them to live in the today and find peace, joy and happiness in little things today.  If they can live mindfully today then tomorrow will take care of itself and happiness will come to them.


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