Yoga and body image

One of the benefits of yoga is becoming more comfortable in your own skin. Yoga is a mind body practice and helps me see the positive side of things. Truth is most women aren't happy with their bodies. We all have issues and things we would change. We are never going to live up to the perfect, air brushed bodies we see in the magazines. Those people don't even look like that in real life. I'm a real women, with real flaws and I'm finally okay with that. Yoga has helped me look at my body in amazement of what it can do not what it can't.  Having a loving, thoughtful husband doesn't hurt either. Ken goes out of his way to tell me how much he loves me and tells me I'm perfect just the way I am.  

I wish it wouldn't have taken me this long to appreciate my body. Wake up people and start to appreciate your body too. I will never have the "perfect" body and I don't even believe there is such a thing. I earned every line around my mouth and eyes and wouldn't trade the years of laughter for any of them.  The spirit in me respects the spirit in you.  Namaste    


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