Some of my favorite quotes....just because.
Thank you for divine order in every aspect of my life. I say it every morning when I wake up and will until the day I leave this earth. I was given this mantra by a women named White Dove Crow. She was a native american women with a beautiful gentleness about her. She smiled and the room lite up. I used to visit a couple times a year with her whenever she drove up to Ohio from West Virginia. I miss talking with her because she was so kind and wise. I often wonder what happened to her. She always seemed to know what was going on in my life, what I had been though and what the future held in store for me without me saying one word. She allowed us to tape every meeting and I have listened to them multiple times over the years. She taught me about tapping into the beauty that is always around us. She taught me to still my mind and just listen to the messages coming through. She helped me get in touch with my spirit guide. I finally got up the nerve to asked her one time what the three swirls of light on the wall beside me meant. They seemed to follow me wherever I went and I didn't like it because it scared me and I thought it was some kind of ghost. She looked over and said "that is your spirit guide honey, you see him whenever you need him to come through to you". I never could have talked to anyone else about that. I thought people would think I was out of my mind. Some people probably think I am. The difference is now I don't care what people think. I have grown up and I know my truth. I know God speaks to each one of us differently and if you are open to receive his messages coming through than you will hear them loud and clear. She opened up my heart and mind to amazing things. I have very happy memories of those meetings and I'm so glad to have had that time with her. Someday after I'm dead and gone I hope the kids take time to listen to those tapes. All three of them are mentioned in them multiple times.
Anyway, onto what this blog was suppose to be about. I love quotes so I want to share a few of my favorites with you. Feel free to leave me any quotes that have inspired you.
A lifetime is not what's between the moments of birth and death.
A lifetime is one moment between two little breaths.
The present, the here, the now..
That's all the life we get, we live each moment in full, in kindness, in peace, without regret.. - Chade Meng
A lifetime is one moment between two little breaths.
The present, the here, the now..
That's all the life we get, we live each moment in full, in kindness, in peace, without regret.. - Chade Meng
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